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/ Software Vault: The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS 2 / The Software Vault BBS Collection 2 (American Databankers Corporation).ISO / cdr15 / raysh386.zip

Jump To: Document (13)  |  Text (61)  |  Other (8)

Document (13)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
ANIMATE.TEX LaTeX Document 4KB 1993-03-14
CAMERA.TEX LaTeX Document 7KB 1993-03-14
GUIDE.TEX LaTeX Document 1KB 1993-03-14
HEIGHT.TEX LaTeX Document 2KB 1993-03-14
INTRO.TEX LaTeX Document 3KB 1993-03-14
LIGHTS.TEX LaTeX Document 9KB 1993-03-14
OBJECTS.TEX LaTeX Document 17KB 1993-03-14
OPTIONS.TEX LaTeX Document 7KB 1993-03-14
PREFACE.TEX LaTeX Document 3KB 1993-03-14
RUNNING.TEX LaTeX Document 14KB 1993-03-14
SURFACES.TEX LaTeX Document 11KB 1993-03-14
TEXTURE.TEX LaTeX Document 13KB 1993-03-14
TRANSFOR.TEX LaTeX Document 2KB 1993-03-14

Text (61)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASHTRAY.DEF Text File 32 769b 1993-03-14
ASHTRAY.RAY Text File 24 483b 1993-03-14
BALLS.RAY Text File 36 1KB 1993-03-14
BLOB.RAY Text File 19 518b 1993-03-14
BOTTLE1.AOF Text File 13 422b 1993-03-14
BOTTLE1.GEO Text File 1,342 35KB 1993-03-14
BOXBALL.RAY Text File 59 1KB 1993-03-14
BUGS Text File 3 91b 1993-03-14
CHANGES Text File 31 1KB 1993-03-14
COIN.RAY Text File 49 1KB 1993-03-14
COLOR.H Text File 48 1KB 1993-03-14
COMMON.H C/C++ Source or Header 133 3KB 1993-03-14
CONFIG.H Text File 193 6KB 1993-03-14
COPYRIGH Text File 14 497b 1993-03-14
CSG.RAY Text File 121 2KB 1993-03-14
ECHIDNA.AOF Text File 12 260b 1993-03-14
ECHIDNA.GEO Text File 270 5KB 1993-03-14
ERROR.H Text File 44 1KB 1993-03-14
EXPR.H C/C++ Source or Header 55 2KB 1993-03-14
GLASS.DEF Text File 21 368b 1993-03-14
GLASS.RAY Text File 22 549b 1993-03-14
GLOBALS Text File 86 2KB 1993-03-14
GOBLET.AOF Text File 17 406b 1993-03-14
GOBLET.GEO Text File 1,032 35KB 1993-03-14
LEX.L Text File 165 4KB 1993-03-14
LEXYY.C C/C++ Source or Header 912 28KB 1993-03-14
MAIN.C C/C++ Source or Header 95 2KB 1993-03-14
MAKE.BAT DOS Batch File 2 51b 1993-03-14
MAKEFILE.WCC Text File 38 851b 1993-03-14
MAKEOFF.BAT DOS Batch File 2 54b 1993-03-14
MALLOC.SGI Text File 54 2KB 1993-03-14
MOUNT.RAY Text File 36 807b 1993-03-14
MOUNT.TXT Text File 10,002 119KB 1993-03-14
MTV.RAY Text File 80 2KB 1993-03-14
NFF2SHAD.AWK Text File 137 4KB 1993-03-14
OFF2RAY.C C/C++ Source or Header 185 4KB 1993-03-14
PATCHLEV.H Text File 2 21b 1993-03-14
PLANET.MAP Text File 257 3KB 1993-03-14
PLANET.RAY Text File 24 490b 1993-03-14
POOL.RAY Text File 156 4KB 1993-03-14
QUICKREF.TXT Text File 235 10KB 1993-03-14
RAY.H C/C++ Source or Header 37 962b 1993-03-14
RAYVM.BAT DOS Batch File 18 501b 1993-03-14
README Text File 10 459b 1993-03-14
README.386 Text File 57 2KB 1993-03-14
RSCONVER.LNK Text File 5 67b 1993-03-14
SKELCOM.H Text File 90 3KB 1993-03-14
SKELETON.H Text File 44 2KB 1993-03-14
SOLIDS.RAY Text File 48 1KB 1993-03-14
STRIPE.RAY Text File 26 666b 1993-03-14
TEAPOT.GEO Text File 1,539 41KB 1993-03-14
TODO Text File 46 1KB 1993-03-14
TRANSFOR.H C/C++ Source or Header 69 2KB 1993-03-14
U.BAT DOS Batch File 2 54b 1993-03-14
VECTOR.H C/C++ Source or Header 91 2KB 1993-03-14
X29.DEF Text File 2,057 53KB 1993-03-14
X29.RAY Text File 13 149b 1993-03-14
X29M.RAY Text File 46 927b 1993-03-14
YACC_TAB.C C/C++ Source or Header 1,757 49KB 1993-03-14
YACC_TAB.H C/C++ Source or Header 67 1KB 1993-03-14
YACC.Y Text File 757 15KB 1993-03-14

Other Files (8)
A2HF.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 49KB 1993-03-14
DOS4GW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 202KB 1993-03-14
OFF2RAY.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 53KB 1993-03-14
RAY.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 186KB 1993-03-14
RSCONVER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 53KB 1993-03-14
WSTUB.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 15KB 1993-03-14
RSCONVER.DSK Turbo C Context File 3KB 1993-03-14
RSCONVER.PRJ Borland C/C++ Project 6KB 1993-03-14